Is your Credit Score Lower than you'd like?

What lowers my credit score and how can I repair my credit?

What Lowers My Score?

You might know how important your credit score is when you’re applying for a loan. But do you know exactly what lowers it?

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man in blue crew neck shirt

Learn how your credit score works, and how to improve it over 5 days..

Learn over 5 easy to understand, 10 minute emails, how to get your score on track.

woman biting pencil while sitting on chair in front of computer during daytime

Why It Matters

Your credit score is a numerical indication set by several credit bureaus, each giving you a number. Learn how that number works & how it affects you.

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What determines your Personal Credit Score?

Even though you might not be able to predict your exact credit score, you can influence the outcome of your credit score. Here's how.

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person playing magic cube

Just been declined? Need to move fast?

We Fix Credit may be able to improve your credit score if you've recently been declined for a mortgage or car loan.

How did my score get this low?

These eight actions are sure-fire ways for you to negatively (and, in some cases, severely) impact your credit scores.

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How to improve your score

Now that you know what lowers your credit score, these are some major things not to do if you want to keep your score strong

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person using magnifying glass enlarging the appearance of his nose and sunglasses

Bringing it all together

We answer frequent questions, and help you get your score on track.

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Get Started now. 

Learn over 5 easy to understand, 10 minute emails, how to get your score on track.

Just been declined? Need to move fast?

We Fix Credit may be able to improve your credit score if you've recently been declined for a mortgage or car loan.